Senegal’s presidential election, which saw the incumbent concede defeat peacefully, has been hailed as a “great victory for democracy” in Africa. At least nine people died in riots across a country which had up to then been known as one of the most stable in the region. President Wade was seeking a third term in office despite serving a constitutional limit of two terms. Covering for Agence France-Presse.
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Covering the North Mali conflict with Agence France-Presse. Desployed to Gao sending rushes, soundbites and complete packages from the largest city in North Mali in February 2013. One minute rushes from Gao.
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In Mauritania “there has never been an abolition of slavery” according to Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeid, a candidate running in 2014 presidential election. He was Biram Ould Dah Ould Abeid is the president of the anti-slavery organisation Initiative for the Resurgence of the Abolitionist Movement (IRA). Rush images for Agence France Press.
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En plein désert mauritanien, Mbera est le plus grand camp de réfugiés Maliens de la région. Environ 60 000 personnes y ont fui le conflit qui a secoué le nord Mali en 2012. Depuis deux ans, leur survie est assurée par le travail des organisations humanitaires, certains soutenus par des financements de la Commission européenne. La continuité de l’aide, face à la multiplication des crises en Afrique, doit être assurée. Reportage en Mauritanie pour ECHO, the European Commission’s Humanitarian aid and Civil Protection department.
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Gambia’s President Yayha Jammeh will be sworn in for a fourth term of office. He is certainly no friend to the press, saying recently that he will not allow “one percent of the population to destroy” the country. Some Gambian journalist and a radio broadcasting from Senegal still working even the pression and the tortures. Short reportage for Agence France-Presse.
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